Experience the Wonder of CranioSacral Therapy
What is CranioSacral Therapy (CST)?
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle therapeutic modality that works with the body’s innate wisdom and ability for healing. It is defined as a light-touch complementary method of bodywork and was first developed by Dr. John Upledger, DO, OMM, who spent years researching its clinical effects at Michigan State University.
By working with the natural and unique rhythms of different body systems, CranioSacral Therapy can pinpoint and address potential root causes of health concerns. CST helps to alleviate pain and stress and can improve your capacity for self-care and stress management to produce profound, positive changes.
The end result is an improvement in the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS), which in turn allows the balance and comfort of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) to follow. Our ANS is responsible for our sympathetic (fight or flight) and our parasympathetic (rest and digest) functions. This is how CranioSacral Therapy results in better mood, more energy, feeling more relaxation, improved function of various body systems, and generally improved overall health.
CranioSacral Therapy is a modality that comfortably complements conventional as well as traditional methods of treatment or healing.
Who is CST for?
With very few exceptions, it is for everyone, at every age!
It is especially for those who are very sensitive or uncomfortable with pressure or manipulation of muscle, fascia, bones, or their body in general. An example is someone who has experienced TBI, has inflammation or has had a series of dental procedures, who is very sensitive and can only receive very gentle touch.
Is CST like massage therapy? What is the difference?
CST is not massage therapy. The only similarity is that you will relax on a padded table. With CST, you will be fully clothed for the entire session, and often relaxing on your back or side. CST is famous for its gentleness and light touch, as it does not involve any pressure, or adjustment of the bones. Rather, it supports the inner-healing mechanism of the body, by paying attention to the “cranio-sacral rhythm”.
How Long is a CST Appointment/Session?
The initial session for a new client is usually about 90-120 minutes. The confidential intake/health review is very important in the process of CranioSacral Therapy, as it allows the practitioner to become familiar with their new client, and take measures to provide the best techniques and post-session recommendations for optimal results.
After the initial session, sessions last 45 - 50 minutes.
How can I find out if CST is right for me?
Please contact me to schedule a complimentary 15-minute consult on the phone (link to follow).
A Note of Common-Sense Caution:
There are very few special circumstances where CranioSacral Therapy may be contra-indicated. As with any service or modality that works and affects the health of a person, you must consult with your treating physicians, and your CST practitioner, before any extensive sessions. This is also why the initial health history review is so important before any craniosacral therapy visit.
Another common-sense caution is expectations. If a condition or health issue (for example insomnia) has existed for many years, to expect one single short visit of CST to resolve the issue would put undue pressure on yourself and the therapist.
CST complements the body’s natural healing processes so beautifully. Results depend on the individual. Some people benefit from a series of a few sessions, while others choose this modality to maintain and tweak their wellness over a lifetime.
“CranioSacral Therapy has been a favorite modality that I find safe, gentle and beneficial as a stand-alone modality, and also as a compliment to other practices, especially yoga.”
“Personally, I have benefited from CST and SER since 2001, when an iatrogenic nerve injury had left me disabled from work and unable to walk properly or enjoy a quality life. I am a living testimonial to the power of this modality, and I am able to continue to practice yoga, dance, and have an active lifestyle. And my immune system is healthier now than it ever was in my younger years.”
Dr. Catherine Akbarieh (Cathy) is a CST practitioner with clinical experience in holistic & biologic dentistry and integrative, holistic health consulting, and a background in human physiology and nutrition. She aims to serve with the same integrity and honor that her practitioners and teachers have modeled for her.
As with any service or modality that supports health and wellness, you must consult with your treating physicians, and your complimentary coach/practitioner, before any extensive sessions. These services are for support and lifestyle improvement and education and do not claim to prevent, cure, or treat any condition, and do not constitute or replace medical diagnosis.
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Learn more about CST
Schedule your CranioSacral Discovery Call
Or text (703) 342-2148